In The Mood For California

Dreamers and Doers: The People of Los Angeles

Episode Summary

Today, we’ll get a glimpse of the captivating history of the people who have shaped Los Angeles, followed by an interview with wonderful Susan Pomeranz! Through 40 years of being a marriage and family therapist, Susan knows there are no cookie-cutter therapies that can be applied overall to human beings. She draws from a vast array of skills and has been trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, the Neurobiology of Addiction, Gestalt Therapy, Art and Movement Therapy, Psychoneuroimmunology (the mind-body connection), Mindfulness, as well as hold certifications in Yoga, Tai-Chi and Qigong (medical martial art). She works with adults and specializes in life-transitions, stress reduction, removing creative blocks, helping care-takers achieve balance, as well as addictions in behaviors such as attachments to food, negative thinking, social media, and unhealthy relationships. Her life is dedicated to helping people create joyful, loving, and fulfilled lives. This is her purpose and deepest passion. Susan believes in the human spirit and in everyone's natural ability to heal themselves. Please check out Susan’s websites: Publications Author - Open your heart and say AHHH; Stories and Observations from a Frizzy- Haired Therapist, 2008 Featured columnist, contributing writer and humorist on relationships and human behavior. The Ojai and Ventura Voice, 2006-2008 Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: @InTheMoodForCA