In The Mood For California

From Whittier to the White House

Episode Summary

Today we’ll explore and feel Whittier followed by an interview with amazing Joanna Segoviano! Joanna Segoviano is a Home Stager with the Midas touch—everything she touches turns to gold. Owner and founder of Viano Decor – A Home Staging Company, this young millennial business woman made a splash since hitting the home staging scene a year ago, staging 100 homes her first year in the business with the help of her amazing team. Always the A-student, Joanna graduated cum laude from San Diego State University in 2013, earning degrees in psychology and Spanish. Her inquisitive and fearless nature led her to study abroad in Salamanca, Spain, conduct international research at Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla in Mexico, and to experience the empire state of mind at Columbia University when she was accepted to a prestigious research program. Her adventurous wanderlust beckoned her to an airport counter with a backpack, asking about the next flight out, and like Dorothy clicking her heels, she soon found herself eating strudel underneath the towering Alps in Innsbruck, Austria! Whether it’s your first or 10th home you are staging, Joanna and her team have the track record to make all your home staging dreams come true. You can learn more about Viano Decor at,1-800-794-1610, IG and FB @vianodecor. Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: @InTheMoodForCA