In The Mood For California

Hieroglyph of the Human Soul

Episode Summary

Today we’ll go on a journey to Malibu to explore and feel Hieroglyph of the Human Soul in the conversation with its creator a true modern Renaissance man, Leigh McCloskey! Leigh is an artist, author, well known actor and visual philosopher. His highly creative life has been devoted to exploring the symbolical, archetypal and hidden aspects of the psyche and inner self through his art, scholarship, books and experiences as a professional actor for many years. He has hosted twice weekly philosophical discussion groups in his home, Olandar, for over 40 years. His deep knowledge ranges from arcane wisdom, religion, depth psychology and quantum physics to the mythic imagination, theatre and the creation of art. He is the founder of Olandar Foundation for Emerging Renaissance (OFFER) and gives regular tours of his art and home, Olandar. (* Many of his talks are available on youtube) Leigh’s art toured with “The Rolling Stones: A Bigger Bang Tour” (05-07) and graced the much heralded album, “Cosmogramma” by Flying Lotus. He lectures both nationally and internationally and has given numerous talks and presentations of his art, wisdom and visual philosophy. Many are available on Youtube. Leigh has contributed numerous essays on topics ranging from William Blake and the Heroic Imagination, the Archetypal Tarot & the Kabbalah, to Jacob Boehme and Theosophical Thought. He has written, illustrated and published seven books, including his masterpiece of art and writing, “Tarot ReVisioned,” (*reviewed as possibly the most significant contribution the Tarot Tradition in over 100 years.) Leigh is also a well known actor who has starred in many television shows and movies including Dallas and Dario Argento’s “Inferno,” and a number a day time dramas such as General Hospital and Santa Barbara. On the tragic day of 9-11-01 Leigh began painting the floor of his home library studio that continues to evolve daily entitled, “The Hieroglyph of the Human Soul,” (acronym:THOTHS) Library. It is unintentionally 3D (w/Chroma-Depth glasses) and has grown over the past 21 years to cover the walls, ceiling, furniture and books creating a fully immersive mythic-multidimensional (domestic-ie.home)-environment that tells the story through art, symbolism and the creative spirit, the deeper purpose and meaning behind the human pilgrimage across the ages. He reveals with his art, its beauty and profound narrative, the visual story of becoming human, its purpose and why art and being human matters. Leigh McCloskey: In The Mood For California: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: @InTheMoodForCA