In The Mood For California

The Freedom to Choose

Episode Summary

Today we’ll feel and experience Freedom Farms in Creston, CA followed by an interview with amazing Dr. Marilyn Kroplick! Marilyn Kroplick MD is president of In Defense of Animals, a board-certified psychiatrist, and award-winning socio-political photographer. Since 2011, Dr. Kroplick has led In Defense of Animals’ powerful campaigns to end the dog meat trade, advocate for elephants, strengthen animal cruelty laws, and save animals in need around the world. Her groundbreaking program to mentor and support animal activists marries support for humans and animals alike. Her passion for animal rights was ignited in 2002 after purchasing a puppy from a pet store who became terribly sick. Dr. Kroplick’s fight for justice led her to discover the system of abuse that brings puppies to pet stores, and successfully expose and shut down the offending pet store. Dr. Kroplick is using her extensive expertise to build a supportive and inclusive social change movement to achieve animal liberation through sustainable activism. Please check out In Defense of Animals website Dr. Kroplick will share with us what Freedom Farms is all about! Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: @InTheMoodForCA